September 27th 2006
Another blazing hot day around the winery. Is it really almost October? The temperatures neared 90 degrees today [...]
September 25th 2006
Today was the first day of picking for Bergström Wines...always a celebration. The beginning of harvest is a [...]
September 12th 2006
I think that all harvest journal entries have historically begun by stating; “Is it already September?” Well, yes, [...]
Final Entry December 21st 2005
Halloween already? Usually as I carve pumpkins with my son, the winery is clean and quiet with a [...]
October 31st 2005
Our last Pinot Noir was Maresh and Temperance Hill Vineyards, on the 21st of October. The last white [...]
October 17th 2005
Today we are harvesting the mighty Hyland Vineyard. These old vines have always made up the strength and [...]